Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Report for StGeorges School computer system Essays

Report for StGeorges School computer system Essays Report for StGeorges School computer system Essay Report for StGeorges School computer system Essay I chose to research into a local primary school (St Georges) which is located in Littleover, the first task that undertook into researching the systems in place at the school was to gain their permission and to send them a questionnaire to fill which was done by the school secretary and sent back to me. I then setup an interview with the head teacher of the school which would provide me with greater information on the school and how it operates and if they have any IT infrastructure in place already.The investigation was carried out via two different ways which were by a paper based questionnaire and a interview with the head teacher of the school Mr. J F Honey. From the feedback obtained through the questionnaire and interview I was able to complete a presentation on the organisation. The schools budget for a totally new system or for upgrading their current system is i? 15,000 2 THE CURRENT SYSTEM St Georges primary school has many business needs and requirements I have listed them below in bullet point form and then will analyse the schools needs and then research into suitable combinations.The school have had a system in place for just under a year now and have only just had internet installed on their network. The network is used for several business functions which I have listed in the business needs section. However I will now expand on what they use the computer system for and what they still do manually which could easily be implemented on a computerised system Information or data stored by St Georges school are: Pupil data for example their name, age, address, religion, D. O. B, Employee Data for example this could include all employee information about the staff ie. Their name, address, NI number, rate of pay, tax etc.Accounts, Finance, Human Resources this would include all data to do with the schools budget and accounts and also information on human resources. Student Reports There is no current online system for filling out students reports as they are all done manually by their class teachers the reason why they havent yet computerised this part of the businesses functions is because they dont have the available funds for purchasing computer software to allow them write reports nor do they have many pupils to write reports for, compared to a secondary school where they have 2500 pupils so the school has been happy with manually writing reports.Letters Any letters sent from the school are word processed on the computer system and they are printed onto a letterhead that the school has printed for them from a local printing firm, one solution that I wou ld suggest to improve this would be to get the school to print their own letterheads saving money which could be better spent. However if the letter is to a parent of the school the name of the child it is concerning is written on manually.School News Letter The schools newsletter is published every month and given to every pupil in the school however some pupils may have brothers and sisters in the school as well would it be more efficient and save money if only one was given to one family? As the school has many young pupils they may loose them or leave them on the bus or even drop them on the playground. Attendance RegisterThe school uses both electronic and paper based registers to analyse and report on attendance this seems to be a waist of resources to the school and a waste of time for the secretary as the teaching staff will mark the register on paper and then the schools secretary enters this data into a database. Perhaps this could be changed so that the school can comput erise all there attendance data which could save time so that the administrative staff can work on something more important. OutputsWhen all of the information is stored or processed the output can be in a form of an email, letter, phone call, report, memo, fax or student assessment report. Problems with current system Problems associated with the schools current IT infrastructure are that it frequently crashes hence why the school wants a quick upgrade or implementation of a new system. There are also many other problems with the current system which I have listed below with a description on why this is a problem to the users or for the system in generalThe school has to be able to process information that it receives in the forms that have been identified in the report and fairly fast. They process the information that is collected in the form of phone, letter, email, invoices, etc. They also need to process this information some by entering information into their current system i n the way of word processing or working out costs in a spreadsheet package. Output Needs Output needs of the organisation are that they need to output relevant information to paper, or to email, memo etc.The organisations major output need is information being printed on paper and distributing this to either employees internally or externally to parents, the public requiring information about the school, or to the pupils themselves via test results or equivalent. Storage Needs The organisation also has storage needs by this the school has keep copies of all its financial, administration, educational documentation in a manual filing system, this could be implemented onto hard disk which would take up less space and provide more efficiency on more complex tasks the organisation needs to carry out.However this data would have to be backed up encase of any problems that may cause the data to be lost. At present the school keeps all their paperwork in a conventional filing cabinets which takes up a lot of room in there only one office and are looking for ways to reduce this problem. Communication Needs The organisation still communicates with pupils, parents and their members of staff via any of the following methods. Telephone, verbally and Memos.However parents and some teaching staff have expressed an interest in communicating more efficiently by via Email and the mobile telephone SMS this would be used for monitoring attendance levels at the school 4 POTENTIAL SOLUTION USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY I will now identify and list potential solutions using software and hardware in information technology. I would suggest to the school that they would invest in the following software for the reasons listedSoftware (Package Name, Purpose, Cost) Reason for purchase Sage Payroll, Computerise Human Resources information along with Payroll for all employees working in the organisation as no current system is in place within the organisation Office 2003 Suite Offers all the software applications that the users will need to operate the system will also be used by administration for spreadsheets and databasesWindows XP Pro, to be installed/used on each machine on the network allows the users to perform various tasks, Dependent upon a Volume License is purchased from a Microsoft dealer. With a volume license agreement from Microsoft the school can install the latest Operating system without having individual license for each machine this could also include a server license. From analysing the system in place at the school Im going to recommend the following hardware devices in order for the system to work cooperatively with each other among the network.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

13 estados con licencias de manejar para indocumentados

13 estados con licencias de manejar para indocumentados En la actualidad, los siguientes estados permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a los migrantes indocumentados: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Nuevo Mà ©xico, Utah,Vermont y Washington. A ellos se sumà ³ el estado de Nueva York al aprobar la ley Green Light Bill en junio de 2019. Adems, tambià ©n es posible en Washington D.C., la capital de Estados Unidos. Cabe destacar que ni Texas ni Nueva York, el segundo y el tercer estado con ms poblacià ³n migrante, permite sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados. Texas, adems, es un estado con legislacià ³n problemtica para la poblacià ³n sin papeles. Es importante conocer los requisitos mà ­nimos que se piden en cada estado, ya que son distintos y quà © quiere decir que no se puede utilizar como identificacià ³n o para usos federales. Adems, es conveniente saber su relacià ³n con otras formas de identificacià ³n, como matrà ­cula consular y I.D. emitidos por algunas ciudades. 13 estados que permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados y sus requisitos bsicos Por orden alfabà ©tico, son los siguientes: California. En aplicacià ³n de la ley AB60 ese estado permite sacar la licencia de manejar a los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en California.  El permiso, que no puede ser utilizado como forma de identificacià ³n, tiene una marca que lo diferencia de las licencias emitidas a las personas que pueden probar que tienen estados migratorio legal en Estados Unidos. Colorado. En virtud de la ley SB 13-251, los migrantes indocumentados pueden solicitar el permiso de manejar. Para ello deben probar residencia en ese estado admitià ©ndose diferentes posibilidades. Por ejemplo, haber pagado income tax el aà ±o anterior, tener un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal conocido como ITIN y probar residencia por dos aà ±os con otros medios, etc. Connecticut. La ley HB 6495 autorizà ³ que los migrantes indocumentados puedan obtener la licencia de manejar en ese estado si pueden probar residencia en el mismo y nunca han sido condenados por un delito. Este permiso no puede utilizarse como identificacià ³n. Delaware. La ley SB 59 de ese estado autoriza a los indocumentados a obtener la licencia de manejar si prueban su residencia en ese estado mediante la planilla de pago de impuestos o porque han sido declarados como dependientes en las planillas de algà ºn residente. Tampoco vale como forma de identificacià ³n. Hawaii. La ley H 1007 autoriza la licencia para los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en el archipià ©lago. Illinois. Por aplicacià ³n de la ley SB 0957, los migrantes indocumentados con ms de un aà ±o de residencia en el estado pueden sacar la licencia de manejar, que est marcada con una nota que hace referencia a su carcter de  ¨visitante temporal ¨.  Adems, es necesario presentar el pasaporte o la matrà ­cula consular para probar la identidad. Este permiso de manejar de Illinois es vlido por tres aà ±os. Maryland. La ley SB 715 autoriza la licencia de manejar para indocumentados que pagan impuestos en ese estado o son declarados como dependientes en las planillas de impuestos de un residente. Los permisos de este estado para indocumentados tienen un diseà ±o distinto a las regulares y, adems de no poder ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n, se seà ±ala expresamente que no pueden ser utilizadas para comprar armas. Nevada. Este estado autorizà ³ las licencias de manejar para indocumentados con la ley SB 303. El permiso es ligeramente diferente al regular y no puede ser utilizado como identificacià ³n.   Nueva York. Este estado aprobà ³ la ley Green Light Bill el 17 de junio de 2019 autorizando manejar a los indocumentados manejar en ese estado. La ley entrar en vigor a los 180 dà ­as y se estima que las primeras licencias podrn solicitarse en diciembre de ese aà ±o. Nuevo Mà ©xico. Este estado tiene una de las leyes ms antiguas que permiten obtener la licencia de manejar a indocumentados: la ley HB 173 del aà ±o 2003. Se ha intentado modificar para restringirla o incluso anular en varias ocasiones. Utah. La ley SB 227 permite las licencias de manejar para indocumentados vlidas por un aà ±o. Estos permisos son diferentes a los regulares y contienen la frase de que à ºnicamente son vlidas para manejar. Vermont. En aplicacià ³n de la ley S 38, los migrantes indocumentados en ese estado pueden obtener una tarjeta que brinda el privilegio de manejar. Es necesario probar la identidad y residencia en ese estado. Washington. Este es el estado con la ley ms antigua en vigor autorizando a los indocumentados para sacar la licencia de manejar ya que la HB 1444 entrà ³ en aplicacià ³n en 1993. Adems, es un estado que aunque tambià ©n exige residir dentro de su territorio, admite muchos documentos como prueba. Por ejemplo, pago de impuestos, factura de una utility, pago de matrà ­cula de universidad o transcripts de escuela, certificados de nacimiento de un hijo en ese estado o de matrimonio, etc. Y, por à ºltimo, la capital de los Estados Unidos, Washington D.C. tambià ©n permite, en aplicacià ³n de la ley B 20-275, la licencia de manejar para indocumentados. En este caso, es necesario probar residencia en la ciudad por ms de seis meses. La licencia, que es vlida por 8 aà ±os, no sirve como identificacià ³n.    ¿Para quà © sirve la licencia de manejar para indocumentados? En principio, su funcià ³n es autorizar para manejar y para comprar un seguro de auto. La mayorà ­a las licencias estatales para indocumentados contienen una marca o una frase que las hace diferente a las regulares. Esto significa que no pueden ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n para asuntos federales o en edificios federales, como los de Inmigracià ³n, prisiones federales, bases militares, etc. Adems, no se puede embarcar a un avià ³n mostrando documentos que no cumplan con los requisitos de la ley conocida como Real ID Act. Esto quiere decir que solamente se podrn utilizar como documentos para mostrar la identidad aquellas licencias de manejar que, para obtenerlas, hubiera sido necesario probar presencia legal en los Estados Unidos. Otras formas de identificacià ³n Ni la matrà ­cula consular ni los I.D. que emiten algunas ciudades como por ejemplo Nueva York, New Haven o San Francisco, pueden utilizarse para manejar legalmente o comprar seguro de auto. En cuanto a las licencias internacionales de manejar, à ©stas cumplen su funcià ³n, pero en ningà ºn caso sirven para sustituir la licencia de un estado y a pesar de lo que se dice, no son formas vlidas para manejar para los indocumentados. De interà ©s para migrantes indocumentados Salvo por orden judicial, los indocumentados no estn obligados a presentar a ninguna autoridad documentos que sirvan para establecer o probar su presencia irregular en los Estados Unidos. Para estar protegidos es importante conocer cules son los derechos que se tienen, especialmente en caso de arresto o detencià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethics In Disability Sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Ethics In Disability Sports - Essay Example Disability sport can be defined as recreational, competitive, and Paralympics sport for individuals with disabilities or a body of knowledge that guides philosophy and practices. The relationship among disability, sport, and knowledge is multifaceted. Such concepts are created by social groups and reflect the affordances and constraints of specific times and cultures.Disabilities have been conceptualized as limitations in physical, mental, or sensory functional ability and activity that prevent or compromise equitable participation in able-bodied sport. Disability sport has been associated mainly with disability sport organizations (DSOs) or the International Paralympics Committee (IPC). However, people with disabilities can now choose to participate in a wide variety of sport contexts (Sherrill & Williams 1996). Thus, the meaning of disability sport has been widened to include any combination of sport and disability. DePauw defined disability sport as a term that gives equal weight to concepts of disability and sport (1986).4. Theories and Conceptualizations of Sport DisabilitySome of the studies and researchers have defined theories of sports disability that might fit into a disability sport conceptual framework.5. Sport Performance TheorySport performance theory includes all of the inconstant, excluding classification, that facilitate explaining or foreseeing phenomenon such as attaining an individual best, winning and losing, managing injury, burnout, stress, anxiety.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Non-US Health Care System Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Non-US Health Care System Analysis - Essay Example A health care system is a systematic set up of medical arrangement where the nursing and care of health is being taken care of. Among the different health care system that exist in the world here the paper is focusing on the system of England only. The objectives of health systems as per the recommendations for betterment of performance in health care systems as enshrined in the World Health Report 2000, are as follows: sound health, responsiveness as per the scale of the population and a handsome financial help. A two dimensional method has been devised for the assessment of health care systems. In this process, we have quality, acceptability and efficiency on one hand while equity is the other concern. Thus, it is taking the quantitative descriptors as a parameter to judge the nation’s current status of service provider and the kinds of facility that can be available at the moment of truth. Like any other country England also has got the models in use in the system of health. We may rarely find a completely public health care institution, which would play a minimal role in the hardcore medical section. They serve usually, for a comparatively well to do segment of population in a low profile country with a lower standard of health care. For instance, private clinics for a small, wealthy segment of population in a poor country mainly find their proper operating place, and which becomes logical too. It shows the target segment of the private enterprises, which further reflects the particular demographic composition of that segment of the system. However a large number of nations with most of the systems enlisted under private system provide residual service to the public. (BMC Health Services Research 2005). Among the other important models, the public insurance systems play the important role of a system of social security health care. In this model the state itself insu res the workers along with their respective

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Economics Commentary - Russian Quota on US Pork and Indian Government Tax on cars Essay Example for Free

Economics Commentary Russian Quota on US Pork and Indian Government Tax on cars Essay A quota is a physical limit on the number or value of goods that can be imported into a country. This is one of the few protectionist measures that countries in order to protect their own domestic industries and is a measure that has been taken up by Russia, as seen in the article. Russia has reduced its quota for American pork from 750,000 tonnes to 600,000 tonnes. This is because Russia wishes to become more self-sufficient in producing pork and thus improve their pork industry. As said in the article, this will be a big blow to the American producers of pork who already trying to recover from poor demand and prices, as well as high input costs. The effect of this reduced quota can be seen in Fig.1 below. As can be seen, the quota has been decreased from QD2-QS2 at a value of 750,000 tonnes to QD3-QS3 at a value of 600,000 tonnes. The deadweight loss (represented by the shaded area) has, as a result, increased from ABC to EBD and this is partly where the problem of quotas lies. The shaded area represents the inefficiency of the domestic producers and by decreasing the number of US exports coming in, they are increasing the reliance on domestic producers who may be more inefficient in comparison to the American producers. What could be potentially seen is an increased loss of world efficiency as the domestic producers would produce pork for higher minimum revenue than the American producers. Furthermore, QD3-QD2 tonnes of pork are not now consumed (150,000 tonnes) and this is a reduction in the consumer surplus, which is the extra utility gained by consumers from paying a price that is lower than that which they are prepared to pay. However, there are advantages to the quota for domestic producers. The initial quota allowed domestic producers to supply 0-QS1 and QS2-QD2 tonnes of pork at a price of WP+Quota. This quota meant that their revenue had increased but they will see their revenue increased further with the implementation of the lower quota. This is because they will be able to supply 0-QS1, QS2-QD2 and QS3-QD3 at a price of WP+ Decreased Quota. Foreign producers will now supply their quota of QS1-QS2 and receive a price of WP+ Decreased Quota. This should usually result in a fall in income, which would be detrimental to the American producers who are already suffering economic difficulties, but in theory this does not have to be. An alternative option that could be used by the Russian government is a tariff. This is a tax that is charged on imported goods would cause the world supply curve to shift upwards because it would be placed on the American producers as opposed to the Russia producers. The effect of a tariff can be seen below. The advantage of a tariff is that whilst the deadweight loss (shaded in red) of caused by the tariff would be the same as the one caused by a quota, the Russian government would receive a revenue equal to C. Furthermore, the revenue of domestic, Russian producers would increase by A+B+C, though the revenue of foreign, American producers will fall by C. However, there will be a fall in consumer surplus by D, due to the extra pork that will not be purchased resulting in a deadweight loss of welfare. However, as stated before, this would be the same if a quota is used. Furthermore, the implementation of a tariff is less likely to lead to the creation of a black market. This is because with an import quota there is a chance that there will be massive shortages of pork. Therefore, criminal organisations would see smuggling pork as a lucrative business opportunity. However, with a tariff such shortages are unlikely as it does not set a limit on the number of products imported. That being said, if a tariff is set at an unreasonably high rate then there is still a chance that a black market will open up. Nevertheless either form of protectionism has its disadvantages. Firstly, it leads to less choice for consumers and the lowered competition will see domestic firms become inefficient without any incentive to minimise costs. Moreover, protectionism distorts comparative advantage and this leads to the inefficient use of resources thus leading to reduced specialisation and a reduced potential level of the worlds output. Indeed protectionism could potentially damage economic growth. INDIAN CAR TAX Externalities occur when the consumption or production of a good or service has a spill over effect on a third party. If an externality is negative, then this spill over effect is in some way harmful. Therefore there has to be an external cost i.e. one that is borne by a third party, to add to the private costs of the producer or consumer in order to calculate the full cost to society. In the article, the negative externalities which are occurring in New Delhi, India stem from traffic congestion and air pollution. Fig.1 below shows the external costs of using cars. As seen in Fig.1, consumers will enjoy some of the private benefits of car travel but there will be external costs in the form of air pollution and traffic congestion. Consumers maximise their private utility and consume at the level where MPC=MSC=MPB thus leading to over-consumption of vehicle travel by driving Q25, 000 vehicles at a price of 25,000 rupees. As can be seen in Fig.1, the socially efficient output, i.e. when the full opportunity cost of an extra unit is equal to the value placed by society on its consumption or production, is Q*, as a result there is over-consumption of Q25, 000 to Q*. Furthermore, as a result of MSC being greater than MSB, there is a welfare loss to society. This is an example of market failure. In order to combat the effects of the vehicle use, the Indian government is charging citizens in New Delhi who own more than one car and are implementing a congestion fee. Two-wheelers that cost above 25,000 rupees will be taxed at a rate of four per cent whilst cars priced up to 6 lakh (600,000 rupees) will be increased to the same rate. Those costing between 6 and 10 lakh will be charged seven per cent tax. The effect that the increased tax should have on the use of two-wheeled vehicles is seen in Fig.2. As seen in Fig.2, the implementation of a tax will see the MPC curve move upwards to MPC + tax = MSC + tax. This will reduce consumption to the socially efficient output of Q* but the price will increase to 25,000 rupees plus tax. Therefore the government should receive more revenue which could be then used to further tackle the externalities. However, a problem that the Indian government will face is the fact that the demand for vehicle travel may be price inelastic. Therefore, the amount of people who will forgo vehicle travel will be insignificant and the quantity demanded will not fall to the socially efficient level. There are alternatives to congestion fees and taxes, with advertising being an example. The Indian government could fund positive advertising for substitute goods such as public transport or bicycles thus decreasing the consumption of vehicle travel. One of the problems with this solution is that the costs may be high and so taxes would have to be in place. Moreover, people may not care about the effects of vehicle travel and will therefore continue with their current mode of travel. Another solution could be for the government to restrict the number of driving licences. This is effectively a quota that would essentially see a decrease in the number of cars on the road. However, the problem of who to allocate these licences to arise and this could prove unpopular. Another alternative solution could be to heavily advertise public transport. This may reduce the number of cars on the road and would therefore see a reduction in the negative externalities created. However, for this to work, people would have to heed the advertisements advice and as it would not be compulsory, people may neither listen nor care to change their method of transportation. Overall, it looks like the Indian governments decision to implement a car tax and congestion fee is the most viable solution because it is less likely to alienate the citizens of New Delhi when compared to curfews and is also more likely to see a decrease in consumption when compared to advertising.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Influence of Greek Culture :: essays research papers

Influence of Greek Culture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Back in the days of Homer’s Writings, Greek culture had a huge influence on the way of life and the style of writing. In this epic Greek culture also played a huge roll in the outcome of the story. The three traits of Greek culture that are evident in this story are, marriage is permanent, gods are revered and intelligence is valued.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first one of these traits that stands out in this epic is marriage is permanent. Penelope is faced with many suitors who wish to marry her and rule Ithica, yet she remained loyal and had faith that her husband, Odysseus would return to her side. In one instance, the suitors pressured her into choosing one of them to marry. To trick the men she said â€Å"Young men, my suitors, now my lord is dead, let me finish my weaving before I marry.† (p. 726, l. 100-101). Then every night she would undo her progress of the day. Odysseus too, had been desired by others and he too avoided them. Circe and Calypso both wanted to be with Odysseus, but he knew he had sworn to love Penelope. Telemachus also played a part in keeping his parents’ marriage together. He set out to find his father despise what others had told him. The olive tree bed was also a symbol of the couple’s permanent marriage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next trait that played a role in Greek culture was that gods are revered. Gods played a very significant role in the Greek’s way of life. Gods controlled everything from the sky to the underworld. Gods could either be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Odysseus learned that the hard way. After blinding Polyphemus he boasted his name to the beast whose father was the sea god Poseidon. â€Å"Cyclops, if ever mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of the cities took your eye: Laertes’ son whose home’s on Ithica!† (p.756 l. 970-974). From that point on he would be punisher by the great sea god. A god also played an important role in Telemachus’ journey. Athena gave the young mortal much help and advice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The last trait that played an important role in Greek culture is that intelligence is valued. Odysseus, Telemachus and Penelope all showed great intelligence in the epic. Odysseus main strength was his intelligence. He had tricked the Cyclops many times and saved himself and his crew’s lives many times.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

John Smith and William Bradford

John Smith and William Bradford were both great early explorers. Smith and Bradford had both many similarities and differences when it came to such topics as Leadership, Interaction with Native Americans, and Success in Arrival. John Smith was an explorer from the Virginia Company. He was always known as a good leader but he had one flaw. His sarcastic attitude was always getting him in trouble. It almost got him killed when he was captured by the Powhatan tribe. The only thing that saved him from execution was Pocohontas, the chiefs daughter.Smith was scheduled to arrive in Virginia because everyone on his charter were to work there as endentured servants. But Smith never ended up landing in Virginia, his charter ended up landing in Plymouth MA. William Bradford was an Explorer aboard the Mayflower and also had a lot to do with the Mayflower compact. Thankfully, Bradford never really had any problems with the native americans. He actually made peace with a Native American by the nam e of Squanto. While aboard the Mayflower, Bradford experienced a very tough journey. The ship was over crowded, they experienced bad weather, there was much disease, and a lack of necessary supplies.Once they finally made it to America though it was well worth it. Their primary reason for leaving was to escape their tyrannical King. Now that they were in a new country they weren't forced to worship him anymore. In conclusion, Smith and Bradford had both many similarities and differences when it came to such topics as Leadership, Interaction with Native Americans, and Success in Arrival. They were some of the first to colonize what the U. S. is today and they had an incredible impact on American Literature with the documents and journals that they left behind.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Magnet designation: What does it mean for me? Essay

Magnet designation â€Å"recognizes health care organizations for quality patient care, nursing excellence and innovations in professional nursing practice.†(AACN, 2014). As a nurse going through this process in one of the facilities I work at, It means mire education and accountability. I only work Per Diem at this facility but have to chair on one of the nursing committees, I have to have a certification in my specialty and also a bachelors degree in 5 years of starting my employment or I am terminated as an employee(yes contract was signed or no employment). This has increased my educational requirements and time requirements for this facility. I am on the employee recognition committee and as an employee that works long hours in an emergency room this committee is actually very important. Many feel that this is the â€Å"party† committee but we are more than that. We recognize the employees that don’t often get recognized for all their hard work. As an employee that rarely gets recognized I realized that this is important to our health and care of the patients. I work hard but as a per diem employee I often get left unrecognized. I have large shoulders and can bear that brunt because I know my nursing care is excellent, my patients are taken care of and if they cant remember my name that is ok. Sometimes its the ones that you butt heads with and they complain from the time they set foot in the door that remember your name-thats ok also because it means that you made an impression on them- sometimes good sometimes not so good. We don’t always recognize the same people over and over we try to disperse the compliments and recognize not just nurses but also ancillary staff as they make up our hospital also. As a committee we celebrate monthly birthdays and try to correlate outings into volunteer fun days. These can be hard to correlate with schedules but we use baseball games for BP checks and fair days for health screenings. It has brought our department and our hospital closer to magnet status. The magnet program has three goals or principles: †¢Promote quality in a setting that supports professional practice †¢Identify excellence in the delivery of nursing services to patients/residents †¢Disseminate best practices in nursing services. This is achieved by increasing employee satisfaction and education through training and education. The benefits of magnet status are that the hospital designated will attract and retain top talent, improve care, safety and satisfaction, foster a collaborative culture and advance nursing standards and practice, and grow business and financial success. Shared governance is a way of incorporating all those goals. on other shared governance teams they look at certain aspects of care that we can improve such as lift teams, rapid response teams, specific equipment to help decrease our fall rates and also employee injuries. These teams are made up of management and floor nurses along with the CNO/CEO/CFO. we all have an input into what needs to be changed and how we are going to change the need. Along with the education that is needed to make that change. I have enjoyed the education that has come with attaining our magnet status. The hospital that I am at does not have JCHAO but we have DNV-Det Norske Veritas. â€Å"DNV works with national healthcare authorities and healthcare providers around the world to effectively manage risk and improve healthcare delivery. Our team of healthcare and risk management specialists has an innovative, advanced approach to help healthcare providers globally in identifying, assessing and managing risk, enhancing patient safety and quality, while ensuring sustainable business practice.†(DNV, 2013) They come yearly and assess our facility, we actually learn from this yearly visit and am not rushing to ‘clean and organize a facility for an upcoming visit from joint commissions’. The DNV has increased patient safety and quality along with helping us get accredited, and reduce infection risk. The DNV is an ISO9001 program and has certified many agencies around the world and is designated as the best in healthcare and proactively manages risks and best practices. Our sister hospital Norfolk General has been redesignated as a Magnet  facility and all but our 1 stand alone facility are heading to magnet status. For me Magnet status is an achievable goal for many facilities and designates the best nursing practice, and higher retention and nursing satisfaction. References: ANCC MAGNET RECOGNITION PROGRAM. (2014, January 1). . Retrieved July 26, 2014, from http://www.nursecredentialing.org/magnet/programoverview DNV:Managing Risk:Healthcare. (2013, January 1). . Retrieved July 25, 2014, from http://www.dnvusa.com/industry/healthcare/

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Jupiter and its Moons essays

Jupiter and its Moons essays Jupiter, the largest of the Jovian planets, reigns supreme throughout the solar system. Named after the Roman god Jove, the ruler of Olympus; "Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and is also the largest planet in the Earth's solar system. It is 318 times moremassive than Earth and is two thirds of the planetary mass in the solar system. Jupiter's surface, unlike earth, is gaseous and not a solid. It is about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium with traces of methane, ammonia, water and rock. Jupiter's interior is very similar to the Sun's interior but with a far lower temperature."(Columbia) However, it is still unknown for certain, but Jupiter is believed to have a core of liquid metallic hydrogen. This exotic element can only be achieved at a pressure greater than 4 million bars. Jupiter radiates more energy in space than it receives from the sun. "Jupiter's orbit lies beyond the asteroid belt at a mean distance of c.483 million mi (773 million km) from the sun; its period of revolution is 11.86 years." (Seeds) In order from the sun it is the first of the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), very large, massive planets of relatively low density, having rapid rotation and a thick, opaque atmosphere. "Jupiter has a diameter of 88,679 mi (142,800 km), more than 11 times that of the earth. Its mass is 318 times that of the earth and about 2 1/2 times the mass of allother planets combined." (Columbia) A measurement of the diameter of Jupiter determined the planet's polar flattening. The flattening of Jupiter was revealed by Pioneer to be slightly greater than that derived from the best Earth-based measurements. "The diameter of the planet was measured at a pressure of 800 mbar near the cloud tops (a bar is roughly equal to the pressure of 1 atm of Earth). Its polar diameter is 133,540 km (82,980 miles) and its equatorial diameter is142, 796 kilometers (88,73...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trustworthy testimonials how to write

Trustworthy testimonials how to write A Comprehensive Guide on Writing a Testimonial A testimonial is a personal statement, which concentrates on the main qualities of a person, product, or service. It is a way of sharing the opinion about any issue, including businesses and enterprises. In most of the cases, it concentrates on positive features of a product or service. If you are willing to leave positive feedback, make sure it contains three elements: Description of the problem; Showing benefits of the Conclusion Steps of Writing a Trustworthy Testimonial Tell About Yourself Always start feedback with key details about yourself. This will make the testimonial personalized, and your opinion will have more weight. However, you need to adjust the quantity and quality of personal information to every type of product or service. Describe the Problem Proceed with discussing the situation you have faced before you found out about a person/product or service. This will be the basis of the testimonial and will explain how valuable your review will be. Try to include lots of facts to support your point of view but always remain clear and straight to the point. Such facts will help readers to compare how your situation has changed before and after using the service or product. An evidence-based testimonial is what all customers need!   For example, if your company had difficulties with sales, you can leave the following comment â€Å"My enterprise was selling only 20 products per day before using the services of a sales expert. Now they have reached 500 products per day.’ Tell About Additional Options Tell about the products or services you have used to solve the issue. The main idea here is to explain how others failed to solve your problem. The best way to present a company in the best light is to compare it with competitors, who were not able to help you. Based on the example above, you can say, â€Å"We hired XXX, a leading advertiser in the city, to promote our products. However, the number of sales didn’t increase.’ Indicate Possible Obstacles You can discuss any problems you have faced with the previous service or company, and tell how you overcame the situation. A good example can be the cost of the service. Based on the previous example you can say, â€Å"We decided not to use XXX advertiser, which is more expensive than the YYY one. However, they didn’t show any results, and we decided to give XXX a chance’. How the Problem Was Solved? Start a new paragraph by providing key facts about the product or service. Tell what it does and explain in details how it helped to solve your issue. For example, based on the information in previous samples, you can say â€Å"The XXX company used online promotion as the key tool to sell our product. It also used web markets to advertise us and also has employees, who move from supermarket to supermarket and offer products. Since hiring them, we have increased our sales to 400%, which is a significant result.’ You should also mention any specific and unique services or offers the company has. In such a way, you will give them more value. It is a great factor when users decide whether to choose a particular company or not. You can say ‘We were pleasantly surprised to get an extra month of their services for free.’ Don’t Forget About a Personal Note In case the result has exceeded your expectations, you can mention it by praising the company or a particular person. You can even give names and tell that it was a pleasure working with them. It is very important because the employees you mention can be rewarded by the company. You can also distinguish a particular employee even if the whole team worked perfectly well. For example, ‘Members of the team managed to promote and sell our product within tightest deadlines, but John did, even more, devoting lots of time to communicating with potential customers. We are sure that without his efforts, the results would be not so great.’ Quantify the Results If you want to impress readers and to give them a clear picture of what to expect from a product or service, it is important to give numbers. Moreover, they should match those, which you used to explain your issue. For example, if you are writing a testimonial for an advertiser and your main problem is a low quantity of sales, you should indicate an exact number you had before and after cooperating with a particular company. Tell How You Surpassed the Obstacles Discuss how you feel about the problems that you have faced and indicate whether they were as big as you have imagined before working with the chosen company or product. For example, if you couldn’t decide whether to work with XXX because of their high fees, it is necessary to highlight whether the result was eventually worth it. This section is the last one in the body part of your testimonial, and now you only need to come up with the conclusion. Summarize Your Experience In a few sentences, explain how the product or service helped to solve your problem. This should be the third paragraph of your review. You should also write a few words about why you decided to leave a testimonial. For example, ‘When John from XXX advertiser asked whether I could write a testimonial about their service, I didn’t hesitate, because they did a great job and it was the least I could do for them.’ Would you Recommend the Service to Others? A good testimonial always contains encouragement, which motivates other users to try out the service and to benefit from them. For a better result, you can refer to a certain group of people based on the niche you are occupying. For example, ‘I recommend XXX services to owners of enterprises that are only starting their path and know nothing about their market.’ Include a Call for Action Although you have already recommended the product or service to the reader, you can still make additional encouragement to motivate others and to pay extra attention to the company. For example, ‘If you are launching a new product, just call XXX advertiser! They provide outstanding services, and the first consultation is free of any charges.’ Why Testimonials Are so Important Here are only some of the reasons why testimonials are important: Higher conversion rates By reaching the target audience, they can stimulate interest and increase the activity of potential users and customers. A tool to study the behavior of customers Reading testimonials is a great way to know what other people think about a particular product or service. It is a well-known fact that people are more willing to risk their money to purchase a new item if they previously get familiar with positive feedbacks. Proof of success When a person reads testimonials and sees that others have reached success due to a particular product or company, they also want to try it out. They make your product more value If you are an owner of such a service or company, testimonials are a great way to persuade potential customers. Instead of filling your website with watery texts, you can add a separate testimonial page. Features of a Good Testimonial It should be brief and straight to the point. In most of the cases people won’t read a long and watery text, simply skipping it; It should be direct. You should make clear statements so that the readers can understand them at once; It should be original and written from scratch. No copies or generic messages. Where to Place Testimonials To reach a maximum number of readers, place feedbacks on many different websites. Place them on the page of products or services. In such a way readers will see relevant comments at once; Place them on popular websites. This is one of the most effective tools, because such pages have more visitors, so more people will see the testimonial; To increase the conversion rate, place the testimonial on optimized pages; Place them on a landing page; Place them on a home page; Create a separate page with testimonials; Place on sidebars within quotation marks; Place on page with stories from customers. Testimonials for Your Business A customer testimonial is a feedback that is written by a customer, who is satisfied with the quality of a product or service. Such testimonial motivates others to try the product or company out. It helps to build a reputation. Testimonials give information about why others like your services or products. This is a great way to attract more customers and to build a solid reputation because more and more people will share what they like about your product; It creates trust between your company and customers. This can have a positive impact on the company because when customers tell about their positive experience with your services, they give others a chance to know more about your enterprise; A chance to overcome skepticism. Reviews attract more and more customers, familiarizing them with your services and products, and the way others benefited from cooperating with them; Testimonials are objective. Unlike your own descriptions, testimonials tell about the experience of other users and deliver a clear picture of the pros and cons your product or service has; It gives a chance to learn what others think about the services and products you provide. In such a way, you can improve the qualities of your services and create a tighter bond with your customers. You can ask them for testimonials, creating a separate draft letter. With its help, you can also encourage them to share your feedback with other users and to explain how their testimonial will be used. In case a particular customer has left a comment via a personal letter, you need to ask for permission to make it public. Remember, private feedbacks should never be posted without the previous permission of a client; Testimonials can promote your product or services in case the message is positive (i.e. ‘this company is the best’ or ‘their product is excellent’). It is a great tool to explain all of the benefits of your company or product. For example, ‘XXX company helped to significantly increase the number of sales: from 500 to 1700 in a single month.’ This will greatly improve interest in your company because readers would also want to get the same improvements for their own enterprises and businesses; Testimonials help to prove your points. Quality testimonials will surely explain how your product or company can provide the best services to ensure the prosperity of your enterprise. In addition, they will explain why the service or product is beneficial for a particular group of customers. It will also show that you keep your words and meet all of the expectations. It is one of the most effective ways of attracting more and more customers to your company; Positive testimonials will help your product to stand out. If a big number of reviewers will tell about the benefits of your company, more and more people will be encouraged to choose you instead of your competitors. Through testimonials, users will get more information about your product and will be aware of all the positive effects it has. Hopefully, this guide has given you all the information you need to know on writing testimonials and making them one of the most powerful instruments in achieving success!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Obama Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Obama Speech - Essay Example According to Obama, we all have an obligation for those who are less fortunate. I certainly agree with this statement. Indeed, the world would be such a horrible an uninhabitable place were it not for the many people who have dedicated their lives to changing the lives of the less fortunate. The society depends on the contribution of all the people within the society to function properly. Therefore, all the members of the society including the less fortunate are an important part of the society. They are the largest economic drivers and the pillars of economy would collapse if the less fortunate failed to participate in the society. Therefore, it is our primary purpose to put the less fortunate at the forefront of our needs since we all need each other to survive.Agreeing with Obama seems to make sense since having an obligation to the society means having an obligation to ourselves too. The success of the whole society means success to our personal objectives. Seeking to achieve per sonal goals without caring for the society qualifies as selfishness. There are many things that we can do to the less fortunate to uplift their living standards. In doing so, overwhelming gratification is experienced and in the process, the society becomes a better place to live for all. It is true that our individual salvation depends on collective salvation. A better society is better for an individual too. One of the most important characteristics of the Obama’s speech is his attribute to Tedd Kennedy.... By reflecting to Tedd, Obama was in a position to put weight to his sentiments. He had already given a testimony of his life experiences, as an exemplary example of service to humanity. Therefore, his attribute to Tedd was meant to give authority to his speech by acknowledging Tedd. He used Tedd as another example of how our individual contribution to the welfare of the society can bring such a tremendous and positive change to the society. It is through his attribute to Tedd that people could see a living testimony of a selfless individual who have done his level best to serve the less fortunate within the society. This was an appropriate and effective way of delivering his message to his audience. It is always important to give credit to the societal icons that have made the world a better place to live in. By appreciating Tedd’s efforts, Obama made his point clearer and more powerful. It is also worth noting that the attribute made it possible for Obama to confirm his speec h. From the attribute, Obama sought to make it clear that everybody who cares about the society would deliver similar sentiments. This made his speech authoritative and assertive too. Obama comes out as a people minded person. It is evident that he puts the interests of the community ahead of his personal gains. Throughout the speech, he gave different experiences that molded him to be the person he is today. Although he recounts the days, in which he used to be an ordinary person. He recounts some of the most challenging times in service to humanity, â€Å"it wasn’t easy, but eventually, we made progress† (Obama and Olive 774). This is a clear proof of his people caring persona. However, his involvement in community service made him see the wider and deeper

Friday, November 1, 2019

Why Evolution Is True Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Why Evolution Is True - Term Paper Example Most religions believe in a common concept of creation by a Supernatural Being. A commonly accepted account of this theory is found in the Bible, which is inscribed that God created the earth and all its content in five days and by words and on the sixth day He created man from mud. Despite the shortage of evidence to support this claim, the theory was, and it still is widely accepted by people. According to Coyne 2009, â€Å"if we came across a watch lying on the ground, he said, we would certainly recognize it as the work of a watchmaker. Likewise, the existence of a well adapted organism and their intricate features surely implies a conscious, celestial designer- God (p. 17). A different theory that got publicity was the theory of spontaneous generation; this theory suggests that living organisms rise suddenly and spontaneously from no-living matter (Lennox, 1982). For example, crocodiles were believed to originate from logs of wood in the water. This theory was widely accepted in ancient Greek and Egypt. The theory was supported by many famously known scientists and philosophers including Aristotle, Descartes and Galileo. However, this theory was disapproved in the 19th century by Louis Pasteur, who through several experiments, proved that life had to originate from other living organisms. Another theory explaining the origin of life is the theory of Panspermia. This theory proposes that living organisms like bacteria exists throughout the entire universe and that through meteoroids, asteroids and other heavenly bodies; they travel randomly until they find planets with ideal conditions for growth. Earth was one of the planets with these conditions and when heavenly bodies carrying living organism collided, life began. Some forms of the panspermia hypothesis suggest that life commenced elsewhere in the universe and arrived here on earth through comets, meteorites or planetary collision (Andrulis, 2011). Â